Month End Rebate - Continuously Top-up Get Extra Rewards (Jun 24 to Jul 4)

Time : 2022-06-24 06:10

Event Time: Jun 24 to Jul 4 24:00 (Game Time)

Event Details: 
During the event time, players can get Golds rebate and extra rewards by Continuously Top-up.
For example, if you continuously top-up 5 days during the event period  (6,000 golds in total), you will get 6,000 golds rebate (100%), and 5,000 Blood War Crystal + 5,000 Spirit Essence as extra rewards.

Rewards List:

How to Join:
Join us in discord firstly:
Complete your top-up, then message to BLEACH ONLINE DISTRIBUTOR @one.ok.rock#3934 with these information:
> User ID:
> Email Account:
> In-game Name:
> Server:
> Profile Screenshot:
> Top-up Amount and Continuously Top-up Days:
Rewards will be sent to your account after the event ends. 

P.S.: $1 Top-up doesn't count for this event.
Event only for US server on GoGames, EU server on GoGames, DE server on RisenGames, and ES server on SoarGames.

Select Servermore

Next Launch Time: 2025-03-17 00:00 GMT-5
